Saturday, 11 January 2025

The Guild of St Clare at Westminster Cathedral

The monthly Traditional Mass at the Cathedral, in the Lady Chapel (All Souls Day 2024)

Westminster Cathedral, completed in 1903, is one of the outstanding architectural monuments of the Catholic Revival, unrivalled for its choral tradition among Catholic cathedrals the world over, and whose history is inseparably intwined with the struggle for the Traditional Mass. It naturally has a special place in our hearts, and it is with great happiness that we can announce that the Guild has been invited to assist in the care of the vestments and altar furnishings there.

We are therefore hoping to establish a Chapter attached to the Cathedral, which will meet there monthly. There are a great many repairs to undertake, some straightforward and others very complex. The altar frontals in particular, some of them older than the Cathedral itself, need a lot of attention.

If you would like to attend these mending sessions, please email Lucy at

The Cathedral's enormous Sacristy, at the conclusion of the Latin Mass Society's annual Mass in 2021