Friday, 23 October 2020

Cancellation of the November Sewing Retreat

 Much to our sorrow the autumn Sewing Retreat at Douai Abbey has been cancelled. This is because the community at Douai have decided not to re-open the retreat centre until after Christmas. Booking is open for our retreat in February and also for our retreat in November 2021. I am very happy to be able to say that Fr Tim Finigan, who was to have been our chaplain at this autumn's retreat, is able to come next November, so we have less to regret in this year's cancellation than might otherwise have been the case.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

More Luna Lapin

James Sharpe, our RSN sponsorship winner, has caught Luna Lapin fever (it's even more contagious than Covid-19) - here is his beautiful rabbit.

If you feel the incipient symptoms of this yourself, you can buy the books and kits from Sarah Peel's wonderful website, Cool Crafting.

Monday, 5 October 2020

Coronavirus and the sewing retreat

Our autumn retreat is scheduled for 20th-22nd November, and, under the current restrictions, we are still able to go ahead although with reduced numbers to allow for social distancing in the refectory. We are now limited to twelve, all told. The booking page is open here: there are five places currently available. The well-known Fr Tim Finigan has very generously agreed to be our chaplain. 

If you have any questions about the measures we are taking to prevent the spread of the virus during the retreat, or indeed any other questions, please do get in touch and I will be happy to fill you in.